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Beauty of Nature and Contemporary Art

Contemporary art from Alexander's Collection

Why can't we achieve aesthetics commensurate with nature's works? Humanity is experiencing a civilisational breakdown.

Nature has made unique things on earth, it has given us a perfect harmony of colours.     Wherever our gaze falls, from the beautiful sand dunes to the vast expanse of the ocean, fields, forests, mountains, everything is fabulously beautiful.

Contemporary art from Alexander's Collection

Nature has created such an abstraction all around that after her aesthetics, reaching such heights is not to be talked about at all when it comes to the creation of human hands. It is as if she is showing us her grin. For thousands of years, millions of years, nature's aesthetics remain unchanged. She does not chase after contrived fashions, she has not created styles, she does not impose anything on people. It simply gives us the opportunity to contemplate the beauty.

decorative art for walls Alexander's Collection
Wood carving art, 24K gold leaf

And all of us, beyond our taste preferences, standing on a cliff edge and seeing what fabulous perspectives of beauty open to our view, say that such beauty is breathtaking. Nature does not let our eyes become tired, its aesthetics no one disputes.

The reason for this phenomenon, in my mind, is that humanity is experiencing a civilisational breakdown.  The speed with which one has to perceive the world destroys the brain and leads to primitive perception.

The loss of control over reality creation, through the imposition of false priorities, will lead and is already leading to the degradation of the human being as an individual. Do many people think about it?

And if we cannot think or do not want to think due to such global changes, what will we get? Humanity is losing its last positions. Aesthetics, which we see from childhood, inculcates taste and generates spirituality in a person. The basis of aesthetics is art. Culture is based on its best works.

Decorative art from Alexander's Collection

What do we have today? Art does not make you think anymore, it is too primitive to perceive! We have become very simple, we don't even realise what we are fed, that's what we get. But there's no detox pill for the brain. What you put in it, it lives there. The brain doesn't forget anything. That's why you should not listen to bad music, watch primitive movies, ugly pictures passed off as works of art. It's rubbish for the brain.

Decorative art from Alexander's Collection
Decorative Art - Marble mosaic

Mankind needs a psychiatrist, a doctor to stop this degradation. In the meantime, the society is like a locust. It obeys the will of the swarm and has no will of its own.

Only cultivation of personal consciousness will save mankind from the death of civilisation as a cultural society.

Decorative art Alexander's Collection

Looking through the numerous advertising strips of real estate agencies, contemporary works of artists in endless galleries, and, seeing all these, to put it mildly, ugliness, which is passed off as the top of perfection and elegance, when advertising lyrics praise how beautiful the architecture and interior decoration, what stunning views open from the windows, one can only agree with the latter. Yes, you can't argue with the views, they are made by that divine creation called nature around us. And everything is luxurious, and everything is cosy and gorgeous.  

Decorative art by Alexander's Collection

But it's just CRAZY. Unless we continue to understand that only unity with nature in terms of its aesthetics, the desire to at least get closer to its beauty, brings us closer to the aesthetics of living space design and design in general, our taste and aesthetic preferences continue to degrade, and we generally lose the ability to see beauty.

Decorative art by Alexander's Collection

I'm not saying there are no exceptions in the world, of course there are. Sometimes, the talent of human thought gives birth to masterpieces, and you may cite many examples, but they are so scattered on the planet that they drown in the mass of that vulgarity and impersonality that architects and designers impose on us, assiduously telling us that it is the high style of clean lines, a contemporary rethinking of the culture of the past and a new, revolutionary vision of the present. I know one thing, almost all contemporary art is promoted by the hands of art historians at cross-purposes, often elevating mediocrity to the rank of great works. 

Decorative art by Alexander's Collection

Of course, I agree that fine art is the province of the chosen few, on the one hand. But on the other hand, are all the wonders of nature made for these chosen ones? No, its aesthetic is for everyone, and the most important thing here is that regardless of people's tastes, such esthetic is liked by everyone without exception, and no one talks about beauty in the eye of the beholder.

Decorative art for landscaping by Alexander's Collection
Marble mosaic for landscape design by Alexander's Collection


This is the global esthetic of all humanity. So what is wrong with us? We never rise in our development to the level of nature's creations, I mean to its aesthetic level, when we all can talk about how beautiful our cities are with such architecture or how divinely cosy our interiors are.


Wall decorative art by Alexander's Collection
Wood carving. Decorative art, 24K Gold leaf

Design is not a price, design is an idea. Nature created ideas, not a price for her creations. She doesn't impose her aesthetics on us. Just this aesthetics is so universal that being on the most divine Olympus, it can rule the whole world, and it is not given to people to reach these divine heights? 

I just don't want to believe it, and as long as I look at this world through the eyes of an artist, I will bring my concept of beauty into it, and I will try my best to get closer to these divine heights and learn from nature her ability to create.  

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