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Art Objects

Contemporary art today is once again undergoing a tremendous transformation. The art market is flooded with very questionable works by contemporary artists, sometimes going far beyond aesthetics. This, in turn, affects the taste formation of the consumers. The trends set by the art market, aimed at maximizing profits, force artists to follow them, turning creativity into a new kind of mass market in art.


The substitution of concepts is simply a disaster. Art of this kind may at one point trigger an almost irreversible process of degradation. People will begin to see elements of aesthetics in real ugliness. But then, then what awaits mankind?

Once in Italy, having met a unique leather goods manufacturer and its incredibly ambitious company slogan "Not for Everybody", many things became more apparent. This firm caters to names like Ferrari and Lamborghini.They make incredible men's colorful leather belts made of crocodile and oister. In essence, they are going against the tide, refusing to accept the stereotypes of the market and stooping to mass market products. But this is what makes it a special product. Not for everyone, but for the chosen ones.


Therefore, when selecting collections for our gallery, we are guided by this very concept of exclusivity, choosing our consumers from among aesthetes: millionaires and billionaires, that small class that is able to appreciate and understand art of a different category.

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